Friday, September 26, 2008


Since when is it ok for the government to interfere in the course of business? In the news last week, the United States bailed out AIG with an incredible 84 billion dollar loan. I don't understand how it is ok for the government to save one company out of thousands that are doing poorly. We are supposed to live in a country where you are responsible for your own businesses welfare. You take a risk in order to hopefully reap the rewards or suffer the consequences. Don't get me wrong, its not so much the fact that they saved AIG, its more about the fact that they don't do it for everyone else. What makes AIG more important then any other business out there? How can they justify saving one and continue to let the rest fail? I can't help but think of the kids out there whos parents small companies are struggling and failing in this troubled economy and wonder how they feel about our countries interrests. Which brings up another point, how is it possible that what our economy is currently experiencing is not classified as a recession? Unemployment is up and stocks are down with no relief in sight. It's sad that appearances are held in such high priority.

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