Monday, November 17, 2008

So Little Time

Why is so little time allowed for what people actually want to do? For about a third of your life you are unconscious, hardly living life at all. For about another third you're working a job to be able to support yourself and the things you actually want to do. Which presents the problem, without working you have the time to live but not the money, work and you shall have the money but lack the time. So not taking into account the time we spend eating, keeping up with hygeine, traveling and all the other mundane aspects of life we are left with a measly one third of our existance to pursue what actually interests us. Sure it can be argued that if we choose a career that's passionate to us that that's time spent for ourselves. But I ask, how many people love their jobs? My guess is not many. I want to hit the lotto, not to be rich or drive fancy cars while living in a big house. I want to win the lotto so I can spend nearly all of the precious little time I have to live on living. Living the way I want. That's my ideal life.

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